We are all RYOSHI!

2 min readAug 9, 2021

3 Things to Know about $Ryoshi

One of the greatest events in crypto history was SHIBA INU launch. That story will remain and continue with another great invention.

Shibaswap is a UNIswap in the making, I meant a UNI with steroids. The birth of BONE marked the commitment of SHIB community leaders to show their powerful vision. Yet, the SHI token that’s now still in the kitchen and ready to reveal as the DAI of the Shib will make the ecosystem much more interesting.

$RYOSHI is the new kid on the block.

Obviously, it is not meant to undermine SHIB, rather it is complementing what SHIB has offered to the community.

Here are few things to look out for;

  1. $RYOSHI has a burn mechanism. This will make the token deflationary that benefits the long holders.

1% of every transaction gets redistributed to everyone who has buried $SHIB on Shiba Swap!


1% of every transaction gets burnt to the $SHIB address forever!


2. $RYOSHI is not bot-friendly. This is the truth, and I have been observing the order book since the launch day (7th Aug). There’s None — Nada!

3. This is the most interesting part, as it goes with any token project. ADOPTION! did you know how many $SHIB holders are out there? 500K? maybe more.

With the rewards mechanism where the xSHIB holders will be rewarded with $RYOSHI, it is almost certain that this sort of automatic airdrop will bring massive adoption.

The current $RYOSHI holders are 1,800 (9th Aug).

Do the math and invest wisely. “Not financial advice”.

note: xSHIB is the token issued for those who stake their SHIB token in Shibaswap.

